Kesher TJC Programs

Kesher TJC creates a Jewish learning environment for children, teens, parents, and families as a whole. Dedicated to providing a Jewish framework for every part of South Florida’s Jewish community, Kesher is at your side to offer guidance, assistance, and a wealth of opportunity.

After-School Enrichment

A great place to develop new friendships. The program provides recreational activities for 3 hours a week, in a fun Jewish environment:

- Hebrew Instruction
- Sports (baseball, basketball, volleyball)
- Computer Lab (STEM)
- Martial Arts (Judo/Karate)
- Music (piano, guitar, drums)
- Homework help and more.

This well-rounded experience builds relationships and encourages pride in their mutual Jewish identity.

Days: Mondays & Wednesdays
Regularity: Twice a Week
Time: 4:30 - 6 PM
Location: Kesher TJC
Address: 3463 Griffin Rd., Dania (Fort Lauderdale), Fl. 33312
Organizers: Kochi Swissa
Topic: Enrichment

Motzei Shabbat Winter Program

A fun-filled way to learn basic Jewish concepts, children's groups are lead by young adults while the Rabbi holds an interactive discussion with parents on the essence of Judaism.
Inspiring Jewish life, learning, and community. We are uniting fellow Jews through Jewish education as we strive to improve our character.

Day: Motzei Shabbat
Regularity: Winter Weekends
Time: 7:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: Kesher TJC Center
Address: 3463 Griffin Rd., Dania (Fort Lauderdale) Fl. 33312
Organizers: To be Determined (For Updates Contact Rabbi Frankel 347-502-8137)
Topic: All Things Jewish!

Girls’ Night Out

Teen-age girls aged 13-16 are invited to join Beit Yaakov graduates for a Big-sister/Little-sister night out at a restaurant, while they learn thought-provoking concepts in Jewish faith. Lead by a team of dynamic young women who connect timeless Jewish traditions to modern life, this nurturing environment will expand your mind with Jewish wisdom.

Day: Thursdays
Regularity: Weekly
Time: 7:00-8:15 p.m.
Location: Kesher TJC Center
Address: 3463 Griffin Rd., Dania (Fort Lauderdale) Fl. 33312
Organizers: Ilana Albert - Tel. 786-779-3672,
Devorah Salid Tel. 305-783-0533
Topic: Judaism in the Modern World.

Chevruta Program

An intensive learning program for Israelis. Members will be paired to study Torah together with a Torah scholar. This program is intended to reach any level and field of Torah study.

Organizer: Rabbi Chaim Frankel
Days: Mondays & Thursdays
Time: 8:30-9:15 PM
Location: Kesher TJC Center
Address: 3463 Griffin Rd., Dania (Fort Lauderdale) Fl. 33312

Talmud Class for Men

An intense, immersive experience, providing nightly Gemara learning (in Hebrew) to a challenging group. Practice your Gemara text skills as you join an intense, interactive 60-minute Talmud class, applying ancient wisdom to everyday life while studying the fundamentals that have molded our people for centuries.

Days: Monday - Thursday
Regularity: Weekdays
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Kesher TJC Center
Address: 3463 Griffin Rd., Dania (Fort Lauderdale) Fl. 33312
Speaker: Rabbi Chaim Frankel
Topic: Talmud Bavli

Israelis Getting Together Night

A lively, open discussion of diverse Torah subjects that have shaped our people. We cover a wide range of topics, including Jewish ethics, business, history and philosophy. Meaningful deliberations inspiring Jewish life, learning, and community.
Grab a bite and a beverage while you enjoy an atmosphere that is totally laid back, and relates Judaism to everyone on any level.

Day: Sundays
Regularity: Weekly
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: A different home each week.
Address: To be announced, or call 347-502-8137 for updates.
Speaker: Group discussion lead by Rabbi Chaim Frankel.
Topic: Torah perspective on modern day issues.

Parents’ Rendezvous

Throughout the year, priority is given to what matters to us most - our families! All parents of public school children who are enrolled in our programs are welcome to come discuss our joint goals while we get acquainted with the family as a whole.
Help yourself to light refreshments!

Regularity: Monthly
Time: Follow updates.
Location: Kesher TJC Center
Address: 3463 Griffin Rd., Dania (Fort Lauderdale) Fl. 33312
Speaker: Group discussion, lead by Rabbi Chaim Frankel & guest Rabbi
Topic: Our Duty Toward our Children

Melave Malke

A program, full of terrific music and amazing Chassidic stories from the Ba’al ShemTov. Take the time to socialize with friends, discover hidden gems in Judaism and uncover Jewish values that can improve your life. Alongside guitar strumming and awesome food, connect to the South Florida Jewish community and become a part of our network.

Day: Motzei Shabbat
Regularity: Weekly
Time: 10 PM
Location: Kesher TJC Center or at a local Residence
Address: 3463 Griffin Rd., Dania (Fort Lauderdale) Fl. 33312 or Residence
Music: Participants
Topic: Faith and inspiration as it relates to the weekly Parsha.

Holiday Happenings

From Rosh Hashanah’s honey cake to Shavuot’s blintzes and beyond, all family members are invited to come rejoice in a fun, engaging and memorable way, with good food, great music, Torah Learning and togetherness.

Join old friends and new at an impressive feast, as we celebrate the majesty of our festivals through an awesome mix of fun, social and educational Jewish experiences.

Time: To be announced.
Location: 3463 Griffin Rd., Dania (Fort Lauderdale) Fl. 33312.

Jewish School Placement and Financial Aid

We are a part of a legacy, to become better people and reach higher goals.
A comprehensive Jewish education provides your child with a solid foundation in Jewish values and ideals, Hebrew language and tradition.
While private schooling can be expensive, we believe that money should never prevent a child from obtaining a Jewish education. Kesher subsidizes tuition when necessary, so you can send your child to a Jewish school without financial strain.
For children to succeed they need a school that suits their academic aspirations, personality and upbringing. We help find the right match for each student, guiding parents through the transfer process.

Every Jewish child deserves a Jewish education!

The Jewish Business Community Connection

Kesher TJC - Connecting the Jewish Business Community. Every other week a group of local Jewish Business Entrepreneurs meet to discuss growing and developing their business’ and networking.
In order to facilitate the growing need for collaboration and business networking. Kesher TJC will host a business forum of commerce.

Organizer: Rabbi Meyer Fabian
Day Thursday
Regularity: Every Other Week
Location: Kesher TJC Center or Local Restaurant
Address: 3463 Griffin Rd., Dania (Fort Lauderdale) Fl, 33312
Program includes breakfast.
Registration required.
Contact: Online forum or WhatsApp 754-221-6415.

Sign up to our programs

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